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Please use the below link to access Purple Mash.


This half term the children will be learning about The Ancient Greeks. We will be exploring timelines, architecture, the Olympic Games and Alexander the Great. The children will have the opportunity to investigate why Icarus fell from the sky and whether we can track the Sun.


Homework will be set each Friday and needs to be returned for the following Wednesday.  Your child will be given a homework folder and all work should be placed in this. Homework is an essential part of the curriculum and your support is appreciated.  Spellings will be sent home every Monday and children will tested every Friday.

Purple Mash

​Please use the below link to access Purple Mash, we will be using this platform to
set weekly homework.




Reading books will be sent home on every night.  Children need to have their Reading Record signed three times a week by an adult.



Please ensure that P.E kits are in school as PE will take place on a Friday.  P.E lessons will take place INSIDE therefore children need to come with suitable clothes for indoor P.E. This half term the children will be learning football skills.

Thank you!

Mrs Smith

Welcome To Year 5

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