St Gabriel's C.E. Middleton
Please use the below link to access Purple Mash.
Our main topic this term is called:
Movers and Shakers
This is a history based topic based on significant people from the past.
In Literacy we are:
Reading the book ‘Wild’ by Emily Hughes and creating poems and learning how to write descriptions. Creating instructions on how to build a paper bridge based on ‘The Billy Goat Gruff’ Writing our own version of the fairy tale ‘The Billy Goats Gruff’ by changing characters.
In Numeracy we are:
Writing numbers to 100 in numerals and words. Using place value and representing tens and ones in different ways. Number bonds to 10 and 20.
In Science, we’ll be finding out:
What animals and humans need to survive. How to eat a healthy balanced diet. The importance of exercise and hygiene.
In History, we’ll be finding out:
About the lives and achievements of significant people throughout history.
Using timelines and The Darwin Model to help us understand why these people were significant. A local history study on Lydia Becker. A scientist from Chadderton (Foxdenton Park)
In Physical Education, we’ll be finding out:
How exercise keeps our body healthy using fundamental skills
Ensuring your child learns their spellings each week.
Helping your child to complete their homework. This is set on Purple Mash to dos each Friday and should be completed to school by the Wednesday of the following week.
Reading with your child regularly and signing their reading record at least three times a week.
Ensuring that your child has their PE kit (White t-shirt, blue shorts and pumps) in school on Mondays.
Ensuring that your child has their book bag in school every day.
You can also use these websites to practice the skills we are learning in school at home.
Thank you
Mrs Haughton