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Foundation Stage

Welcome to our Foundation Stage Class Page

Please click here to view the information we presented at our FSU curriculum meeting.

Our Nursery and Reception class together, form our Foundation Stage Unit. Each class has a teacher and there are three teaching assistants, who work across both classes.

Children learn through play and adults plan experiences using The Birth to Five Document and Development Matters Document.

There are learning opportunities in seven areas of learning:

Personal and Social



Communication and Language






Understanding the World


Expressive Arts and Design


Through theses areas of learning, a range of child initiated and adult led activities are planned.

The classroom is set up in areas of Continuous Provision and this includes our outdoor provision.


Children can access this continuous provision to develop their skills and knowledge, with the support of the adults.


Each child is assessed using the Birth to Five and Development Matters documents. Every child has a Learning Journey folder, which contains photographs and pieces of work, alongside observations of their learning. This folder is kept in school and is available to the children to share with adults and their friends. Parents also have access to these learning journeys at parent’s evenings and at other times throughout the year.

Important information

Nursery session times:



Morning session including lunchtime wrap around service 8:50-1:00

Full time place: 8.50-3.15

School also has a breakfast and after school club offering additional hours.

Reception session times:


School also has a breakfast and after school club offering additional hours.

P.E days

Nursery: Monday morning

Reception: Tuesday afternoon


  • All children need a pair of wellies to be kept in school

  • Nursery children need a change of clothes in a bag on their peg

  • Reception children need a full P.E kit consisting of black slip on pumps, white T-shirt and black or blue shorts

  • Nursery children need a pair of black slip on pumps

  • All clothes must have the child’s name inside

Every half term a newsletter will be sent home outlining our topic and whole class learning intentions.

Useful links:


This half term in Foundation stage our topic is:

Marvellous machines and Puppets and Pop Up’s.


The children will be looking at different types of machines, designing and building their own machines with construction toys and modelling materials. They will also be exploring puppets from traditional fairytales.

Both Reception and Nursery children will be given the opportunity to use the interactive whiteboard and Ipads as part of the learning every day.

​Further details are available on the FSU newsletter.

Guide to Purple Mash

Mini Mash a Parents Guide


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