St Gabriel's C.E. Middleton
We are pleased to let you know that your child can receive a daily phonics lesson whilst schools
are closed. Phonics is the way we teach children to recognise the sounds in words. It helps your
child to learn to read and is an essential part of your child’s education. Please Click here to access the resource
Please use the below link to access Purple Mash.
What are we doing in class this term?
Our Main Topic is called ‘Enchanted Woodland’.
This topic lasts for 12 weeks
If you go down to the woods today, you’re sure of a big surprise!
This term, we’ll visit a woodland, observe the wildlife, collect natural objects and take beautiful pictures of the things we see. After our woodland adventure, we’ll write about our experiences and learn all about trees. We’ll use information books to investigate woodland creatures and make mini-books of our own. Throughout the project, we will find out how to recognise different plants and animals and create detailed, observational drawings of them. The tale of Hansel and Gretel will inspire us to write our own stories with a woodland theme. We’ll build miniature dens, create woodland works of art and construct mini-woodlands from twigs, sticks, pine cones and leaves.
Further details are available on the Year1 Newsletter.
PE is on Tuesday Please make sure your child has a full school PE Kit in school, this is a plain white t shirt, navy shorts and pumps. Can I ask that parents please put their child's name in their child’s kit. Please ensure earrings are removed
We have a jumper box in class where the children are free to put their jumpers during the day. Please put your child's name in their jumper to avoid any confusion.
Reading books will be changed on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It is important that you and your child read every night. When you have read with your child please sign their blue reading record, without this signed the children will not be able to change their book for a new one.
Keywords and Spellings - Every week your child will be individually tested on a 1:1 basis on their keywords. If your child reads all their keywords clearly and confidently then they will be given the next set. Keywords are tested each Wednesday with certificates given out on the Friday.
The children also bring home a set of spellings to learn each week linked to their phonics. Please practice with your child. They have a look cover write check sheet to begin their practice and a purple spelling book for further practice. There will also be a spelling task on Purple Mash. Spelling tests take place on a Friday.
Maths and English homework
The children will be set Maths and English homework on a Friday. This will be available on Purple Mash. Please help your child to work through the tasks which will reinforce what they have learnt in class. Tasks will be set on a Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday Passwords will be stapled to the inside of your child’s reading record book. Please check your password as it may have changed from last year. When the English task is a reading comprehension the children will bring a paper copy home to be handed in by the Following Wednesday.
Mrs Malik covers the class for a full day on a Thursday while Mrs Foster has her management role and class prep time.
We look forwards to working together to help your child achieve their full potential. If you have any concerns please speak to the Y1 class teacher Mrs Foster.
The transition into year 1 is a big step with children beginning the National Curriculum. The biggest change for the children is in their access to the outdoors. Year 1 children have set outdoor playtimes with the rest of the school rather than free choice as in Reception class. Children can find this quite hard at first. We try to make the transition into year 1 as enjoyable as possible but children can find the first few weeks quite challenging. Please work with us to praise and encourage the children at this important stage in their schooling.
Thank you for your constant support
Mrs Foster
Please use the below link to access Purple Mash.
Our main topic this term is called:
Movers and Shakers
This is a history based topic based on significant people from the past.
In Literacy we are:
Reading the book ‘Wild’ by Emily Hughes and creating poems and learning how to write descriptions. Creating instructions on how to build a paper bridge based on ‘The Billy Goat Gruff’ Writing our own version of the fairy tale ‘The Billy Goats Gruff’ by changing characters.
In Numeracy we are:
Writing numbers to 100 in numerals and words. Using place value and representing tens and ones in different ways. Number bonds to 10 and 20.
In Science, we’ll be finding out:
What animals and humans need to survive. How to eat a healthy balanced diet. The importance of exercise and hygiene.
In History, we’ll be finding out:
About the lives and achievements of significant people throughout history.
Using timelines and The Darwin Model to help us understand why these people were significant. A local history study on Lydia Becker. A scientist from Chadderton (Foxdenton Park)
In Physical Education, we’ll be finding out:
How exercise keeps our body healthy using fundamental skills
Ensuring your child learns their spellings each week.
Helping your child to complete their homework. This is set on Purple Mash to dos each Friday and should be completed to school by the Wednesday of the following week.
Reading with your child regularly and signing their reading record at least three times a week.
Ensuring that your child has their PE kit (White t-shirt, blue shorts and pumps) in school on Mondays.
Ensuring that your child has their book bag in school every day.
You can also use these websites to practice the skills we are learning in school at home.
Thank you
Mrs Haughton
Please use the below link to access Purple Mash.
Hello and welcome to Year 3.
In the Rocks, Relics and Rumbles project, your child will learn about the different layers of the Earth, including plate tectonics and their potential effects on the Earth's surface. They will investigate different types of rock to learn about their uses and properties. They will also investigate soil and fossils, including learning about the work of Mary Anning. They will have the opportunity to use maps to learn about the lines of latitude and longitude and a compass to learn about the cardinal and intercardinal points. They will also learn about volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis and the long and short-term consequences that these can have.
Homework will be set each Friday on Purple mash or a paper copy will be sent home and needs to be completed by the following Wednesday. Your child will be shown what tasks have been set and how to complete them. Homework is an essential part of the curriculum and your support is appreciated
Books will be sent home every night and can be changed as soon as your child has finished reading it. Children need to have their Reading Record signed by an adult at least three times a week.
Please ensure P.E kit is in school on a Thursday, lessons will take place inside and outside (weather permitting). Please ensure PE pumps fit properly and ALL kit is labelled with your child’s name.
Thank you,
Mrs Boileau
Please use the below link to access Purple Mash.
During this half term we will be covering a topic about:
This half term the children will be learning about the Roman Empire and its effect on Britain. This project teaches children about the history of the Roman Empire and its leaders. We are also learning about sound during science and working on place value in Maths.
Homework will be set each Friday and needs to be returned for the following Wednesday. Homework is an essential part of the curriculum and your support is appreciated. Spellings will be sent home every Friday and children will tested on these spellings every Friday.
Reading books will be sent home on every night. Children need to have their Reading Record signed three times a week by an adult.
Please ensure that P.E kits are in school as PE will take place on a Wednesday. P.E lessons will take place INSIDE therefore children need to come with suitable clothes for indoor P.E. This half term the children will be learning football skills.
Thank you,
Miss Cotogni
Please use the below link to access Purple Mash.
This half term the children will be learning about The Ancient Greeks. We will be exploring timelines, architecture, the Olympic Games and Alexander the Great. The children will have the opportunity to investigate why Icarus fell from the sky and whether we can track the Sun.
Homework will be set each Friday and needs to be returned for the following Wednesday. Your child will be given a homework folder and all work should be placed in this. Homework is an essential part of the curriculum and your support is appreciated. Spellings will be sent home every Monday and children will tested every Friday.
Purple Mash
Please use the below link to access Purple Mash, we will be using this platform to
set weekly homework.
Reading books will be sent home on every night. Children need to have their Reading Record signed three times a week by an adult.
Please ensure that P.E kits are in school as PE will take place on a Friday. P.E lessons will take place INSIDE therefore children need to come with suitable clothes for indoor P.E. This half term the children will be learning football skills.
Thank you!
Mrs Smith
Please use the below link to access Purple Mash.
During this half term we will be learning about Africa past and present and the development of the slave trade. We will also explore Britain’s role in the transatlantic slave trade, the causes and consequences of the European colonisation of Africa and the worldwide communities that make up the African diaspora.
Homework will be set each Friday and needs to be returned for the following Wednesday. Homework will be set on paper or on Purple Mash. Homework is an essential part of the curriculum and your support is appreciated. Children who complete homework will earn points which will result in a reward at the end of the half term. Spellings will be sent home every Friday to be tested the following Friday.
Reading books will be sent home on every night. Children need to have their Reading Record signed at least three times a week by an adult.
Ensuring P.E kit is in school on Monday and Wednesday. P.E lessons will take place INSIDE therefore children need to come with suitable clothes for indoor P.E.
Thank you!
Mrs Mckinley